티스토리 뷰
This article presents an in-depth look at the STL deque
container. This article will discuss the benefits of the deque
and under what circumstances you would use it instead of the vector
. After reading this article, the reader should be able to explain the fundamental differences between vector
and deque
with respect to container growth, performance and memory allocation. Since deque
is so similar in usage and syntax to vector
, it is recommended that the reader refers to this article [^] on vector
for information on implementing and using this STL container.
Deque Overview
The deque
, like the vector
, is also part of the Standard Template Library, the STL. The deque
, or "double-ended queue", is very similar to the vector
on the surface, and can act as a direct replacement in manyimplementations. Since it is assumed that the reader already knows howto effectively use the STL vector
container, I have provided the table of deque
member functions and operators below, solely for comparison and reference.
Deque Member Functions1
Function | Description |
assign | Erases elements from a deque and copies a new set of elements to the target deque . |
at | Returns a reference to the element at a specified location in the deque . |
back | Returns a reference to the last element of the deque . |
begin | Returns an iterator addressing the first element in the deque . |
clear | Erases all the elements of a deque . |
deque | Constructs a deque of a specific size or with elements of a specific value or with a specific allocator or as a copy of all or part of some other deque . |
empty | Tests if a deque is empty. |
end | Returns an iterator that addresses the location succeeding the last element in a deque . |
erase | Removes an element or a range of elements in a deque from specified positions. |
front | Returns a reference to the first element in a deque . |
get_allocator | Returns a copy of the allocator object used to construct the deque . |
insert | Inserts an element or a number of elements or a range of elements into the deque at a specified position. |
max_size | Returns the maximum length of the deque . |
pop_back | Deletes the element at the end of the deque . |
pop_front | Deletes the element at the beginning of the deque . |
push_back | Adds an element to the end of the deque . |
push_front | Adds an element to the beginning of the deque . |
rbegin | Returns an iterator to the first element in a reversed deque . |
rend | Returns an iterator that points just beyond the last element in a reversed deque . |
resize | Specifies a new size for a deque . |
size | Returns the number of elements in the deque . |
swap | Exchanges the elements of two deque s. |
Deque Operators1
Function | Description |
operator[] | Returns a reference to the deque element at a specified position. |
This striking similarity to vector
then gives rise to the following question:
Q: If deque and vector offer such similar functionality, when is it preferable to use one over the other?
A: If you have to ask, use vector.
Um, okay... How about a little explanation please?
Why certainly, I'm glad you asked! I didn't pull that answer out of thin air, in fact, the answer comes from the C++ Standard2 itself. Section 23.1.1 states the following:
is the type of sequence that should be used by default. ...deque
is the data structure of choice when most insertions and deletions take place at the beginning or at the end of the sequence.
Interestingly enough, this article is practically devoted to fully understanding that statement.
What's New
After perusing the table above and comparing it with vector
, you will notice two new member functions.
- Adds elements to the front of adeque
- Removes elements from the front of adeque
These are called with the same syntax as push_back()
and pop_back()
. Therein lies the first feature that could possibly warrant the use of deque
, namely, the need to add elements to both the front and back of the sequence.
What's Missing
You will also notice there are two member functions implemented in vector
but not in deque
, and, as you will see, deque
doesn't need them.
- Returns the current capacity of avector
- Allocates room for a specified number of elements in avector
Herein lies the true beginning of our study. As it turns out, there is a stark difference between vector
and deque
in how they manage their internal storage under the hood. The deque
allocates memory in chunks as it grows, with room for a fixed number of elements in each one. However, vector
allocates its memory in contiguous blocks (which isn't necessarily a bad thing). But the interesting thing about vector
is that the size of the internal buffer grows increasingly larger with each allocation after the vector
realizes the current one isn't big enough. The following experiment sets out to prove why deque
doesn't need capacity()
or reserve()
for that very reason.
Experiment 1 - Container Growth
The objective of this experiment is to observe the differences in container growth between the vector
and the deque
.The results of this experiment will illustrate these differences interms of physical memory allocation and application performance.
The test application for this experiment is designed to read text from a file and use each line as the element to push_back()
onto the vector
and the deque
.In order to generate large numbers of insertions, the file may be readmore than once. The class to handle the test is shown below:
#include <deque>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
static enum modes
class CVectorDequeTest
void ReadTestFile(const char* szFile, int iMode)
char buff[0xFFFF] = {0};
std::ifstream inFile;
inFile.getline(buff, sizeof(buff));
if(iMode == FM_VECTOR)
else if(iMode == FM_DEQUE)
virtual ~CVectorDequeTest();
std::vector<std::string> m_vData;
std::deque<std::string> m_dData;
The test was performed under the following conditions:
Processor | 1.8 GHz Pentium 4 |
Memory | 1.50 GB |
OS | W2K-SP4 |
No. of Lines in File | 9874 |
Avg. Chars per Line | 1755.85 |
No. of Times File Read | 45 |
Total Elements Inserted | 444330 |
The system performance was logged via Windows Task Manager, and the program was timed using Laurent Guinnard's CDuration class. The system performance graph is illustrated below:
Note the peaks in memory usage during vector
allocation, and how the peaks grow larger as vector
allocates increasing internal buffer storage. Note also that deque
does not exhibit this behavior, and the buffer continues to growlinearly with element insertion. The jump in kernel time during deque
deallocation as well as the shape of the curve as memory is reclaimedwas an unexpected result at first. I would have expected thedeallocation to look similar to vector
. After looking into things further and conducting some more tests, I was able to come up with a hypothesis: since deque
memory is not contiguous, it must be more difficult to hunt down andreclaim. We will put this hypothesis to the test later, but first let'sanalyze the performance aspects of this experiment.
Just how long do those memory allocations take?
Notice in the figure below that no elements were being added during the time vector
was out finding more memory.
It is also of interest to notice how long each set of push_back()
takes. This is illustrated in the figure below. Remember, each sampleis 9874 strings added, with an average length of 1755.85.
Experiment 2 - The Effects of vector::reserve()
The objective of this experiment is to observe the benefits of calling reserve()
on a vector
before a large number of elements will be added and compare these results with deque
, in terms of memory allocation and performance.
The test description for this experiment is the same as that of Experiment 1, except that the following code was added to the test class constructor:
The test was performed under the following conditions:
Processor | 1.8 GHz Pentium 4 |
Memory | 1.50 GB |
OS | W2K-SP4 |
No. of Lines in File | 9874 |
Avg. Chars per Line | 1755.85 |
No. of Times File Read | 70 |
Total Elements Inserted | 691180 |
The system performance was logged via Windows Task Manager, and the program was timed using Laurent Guinnard's CDuration class. The system performance graph is illustrated below:
It is of interest to notice that vector
no longer needs to allocate more internal buffer storage. The call to reserve()
takes a single step to reserve more than enough space for our test platform of 691180 elements. As for the deque
deallocation hypothesis, observe the drastic growth in memorydeallocation time between this test and the previous one. We willquantify this in our next experiment.
How has this improved memory allocation performance?
The following figure illustrates the number of elements added to the containers over time:
As you can see, vector
is now very close to deque
in performance, when adding elements to the container. However, vector
tends to be slightly more sporadic in how long it takes to insert agiven set of elements. This is illustrated in the figure below:
A statistical analysis of the variability in vector
vs. deque
, with respect to the time it takes to insert 9874 elements of 1755.85 average length, is summarized in the following tables:
Vector | Deque | ||||||||||||||||||||
Experiment 3 - Reclaiming Memory
The objective of this experiment is to analyze and attempt to quantify the hypothesis that deque
memory is more difficult to reclaim due to its non-contiguous nature.
The test class from Experiment 1will be utilized again in this experiment. The calling function isdesigned to allocate test classes of increasing size and log theirperformance accordingly. This implementation is as follows:
for(xRun=0; xRun<NUMBER_OF_XRUNS; xRun++)
df = new CVectorDequeTest;
elapsed_time = 0;
for(i=0; i<NUMBER_OF_RUNS*xRun; i++)
cout << "Deque - Run " << i << " of " << NUMBER_OF_RUNS*xRun << "... ";
deque_data.back().time_to_read = df->GetProcessTime();
elapsed_time += deque_data.back().time_to_read;
deque_data.back().elapsed_time = elapsed_time;
cout << deque_data.back().time_to_read << " seconds\n";
cout << "\n\nDeleting... ";
delete df;
cout << del_deque.GetDuration()/1000000.0 << " seconds.\n\n";
This experiment was performed on the same platform as the previoustwo experiments, except that the number of allocations was varied from9874 to 691180 across 70 increments. The following figure illustratesthe time required to reclaim deque
memory as a function of the number of elements in the deque
. The deque
was filled with strings with an average length of 1755.85 chars.
Although the actual time varies significantly from the trendline in several instances, the trendline holds accurate with an R2=95.15%. The actual deviation of any given data point from the trendline is summarized in the following table:
deque Results | |
Mean | 0.007089269 sec |
Maximum | 11.02838496 sec |
Minimum | -15.25901667 sec |
Std. Dev | 3.3803636 sec |
6-Sigma | 20.2821816 sec |
This is fairly significant when compared to the results of vector
in the same scenario. The following figure shows deallocation times for vector
under the same loading as deque
The data in this test holds an R2=81.12%. This couldlikely be improved with more iterations of each data point andaveraging the runs. Nonetheless, the data is suitable to mark the pointin question, and the deviation of any given data point from thetrendline is summarized in the following statistical parameters:
vector Results | |
Mean | -0.007122715 sec |
Maximum | 0.283452127 sec |
Minimum | -0.26724459 sec |
Std. Dev | 0.144572356 sec |
6-Sigma | 0.867434136 sec |
Experiment 4 - Performance Characteristics of vector::insert() vs. deque::insert()
The "claim to fame" as it were for deque
is the promise of constant-time insert()
. Just how does this stack up against vector::insert()
? The objective of this experiment is (not surprisingly) to observe the performance characteristics of vector::insert()
vs. deque::insert()
There may be times when adding things to the back of a containerdoesn't quite suit your needs. In this case, you may want to employ insert()
. This experiment also has the same form as Experiment 1, however instead of doing push_back()
, the test does insert()
As you can see in the following figures, the benefit of constant-time insertion offered by deque
is staggering when compared against vector
Note the difference in time-scales, as 61810 elements were added to these containers.
Experiment 5 - Container Retrieval Performance
This experiment will test the performance of vector::at()
, vector::operator[]
, deque::at()
and deque::operator[]
. It has been suggested that operator[]
is faster than at()
because there is no bounds checking, also it has been requested to compare vector
vs. deque
in this same regard.
This test will insert 1000000 elements of type std::string
with a length of 1024 characters into each container and measure how long it takes to access them all via at()
and operator[]
. The test will be performed 50 times for each scenario and the results presented as a statistical summary.
Well, perhaps surprisingly, there is very little difference in performance between vector
and deque
in terms of accessing the elements contained in them. There is also negligible difference between operator[]
and at()
as well. These results are summarized below:
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||
In this article, we have covered several different situations where one could possibly have a need to choose between vector
and deque
. Let's summarize our results and see if our conclusions are in line with the standard.
When performing a large number of push_back() calls, remember to call vector::reserve().
In Experiment 1, we studied the behavior of container growth between vector
and deque
. In this scenario, we saw that since deque
allocates its internal storage in blocks of pre-defined size, deque
can grow at a constant rate. The performance of vector
in this experiment then led us to think about calling vector::reserve()
. This was then the premise for Experiment 2, where we basically performed the same experiment except that we had called reserve()
on our vector
. This then is grounds for holding on to vector
as our default choice.
If you are performing many deallocations, remember that deque takes longer to reclaim memory than vector.
In Experiment 3, we explored the differences between reclaiming the contiguous and non-contiguous memory blocks of vector
and deque
, respectively. The results proved that vector
reclaims memory in linear proportion to the number of elements whereas deque
is exponential. Also, vector
is several orders of magnitude than deque
in reclaiming memory. As a side note, if you are performing your calls to push_back()
within a tight loop or sequence, there is a significant possibility that most of the memory deque
obtains, will be contiguous. I have tested this situation for fun and have found the deallocation time to be close to vector
in these cases.
If you are planning to use insert(), or have a need for pop_front(), use deque.
Well, ok, vector
doesn't have pop_front()
, but based on the results of Experiment 4, it might as well not have insert()
either. The results of Experiment 4 speak volumes about the need for deque
and why it is part of the STL as a separate container class.
For element access, vector::at() wins by a nose.
After summing up the statistics of Experiment 5, I would have to say that although all the methods were close, vector::at()
is the winner. This is because of the best balance between the raw meanof the access times as well as the lowest 6-sigma value.
What's all this 6-Sigma stuff?
Although a popular buzzword in industry today, 6-Sigma actually hasits roots in statistics. If you generate a Gaussian distribution (orBell-curve) for your sampled data, you can show that at one standarddeviation (the symbol for std. deviation is the Greek letter, sigma,BTW) from the mean, you will have 68.27% of the area under the curvecovered. At 2 Standard Deviations, 2-Sigma, you have 95.45% of the areaunder the curve, at 3 Standard Deviations, you will have 99.73% of thearea and so forth until you get to 6 standard deviations, when you have99.99985% of the area (1.5 Defects per million, 6-Sigma).
Final Words
I hope you have gained some insight into deque
and havefound this article both interesting and enlightening. Any questions orcomments are certainly welcome and any discussion on vector
or deque
is encouraged.
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